I rule at this, I win every time! I like it it's good, i like how it had a duck in it and also that it made quack sounds (possibly the highlight). Really cool and awesome in one. I think it should get 10 stars for innovation and sodomy.
I rule at this, I win every time! I like it it's good, i like how it had a duck in it and also that it made quack sounds (possibly the highlight). Really cool and awesome in one. I think it should get 10 stars for innovation and sodomy.
Not the worst.
It was ok, but it made little sense, especially how germans had howitzers and moved them 5 feet away from a building that had documents in it that they wanted and they had to shoot sandbags to get them and you're this one guy flanking them first person and they don't care to shoot you and... anyway, overall it was ok.
Might be good if it worked.
From what I gathered from the title screen and music it's gonna be robotic team fortress 2. If only you made it playable offline, also some UI was glitched including your loader.
Testimonials made me laugh really hard.
Limited but funny.
Cool style.
I love the moral boost when you finally lose.
At first I felt short changed, but then it became less a shitty RPG and more an endearing satire.
I want to go to Japan at the end of the year, looks like I'm gonna struggle.
%u3042%u308A%u304C%u3068%u3046%u3002 %u79C1%u5927%u304D%u3044%u30AA%u30FC%
Sweet as.
It was a really well made game. Don't know of the cartoon or whatever it was based off, but I liked it anyhow. The WoW and Dark Messiah sfx (which makes me feel bad to pick up on) were a little annoying, but anyway it was pretty air-tight with gameplay.
Was great fun, till I got moment_move and pinballed off the of the screen. Very bugged.
Good game.
Not 100% historically accurate in my opinion at least in a strategic sense, tanks sucked in WWI and the crewmen wore leather jackets so machine gun bullet shrapnel that would penetrate didn't hit them, they were slower than a marching soldier and took forever to turn.. They were an excuse, not a reason to for German soldiers to retreat. I could go on forever so here's what would make this game better:
Flamethrowers, they are just a necessity, probably too much to animate or whatever but at least one flamethrower would be fun. And most of all, size up the trench capacity and the amount of units, I'm sure it would lag but it was a war of attrition and wanna see British people splash into a wall of bayonets with little success.
I also partly agree with amesfunk, a hold command would be good, retreat, from what I know leaving the trench was a one way ticket, you either captured another one, made one, or you simply died, a retreat is a loss, essentially. Anyway above all that a decently made game.
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Age 35, Male
Joined on 10/10/03